Medlock Letter
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 8, 2008
To the Editor:
If there is a doubt in anyone’s mind that Panola County is the redneck citadel of the South, just attend a glorified Supervisor’s meeting.
First, the county is paying David Chandler $90,000 to work two days a week. This is utterly stupid. The Board of Supervisors allow Chandler to make nearly every executive decision without oversight.
Secondly, the vast majority of the jobs for the County do not have a job description.
What? Well, it means that Prime Minister Chandler and the Board of Despots can select anyone they so choose with impunity. By the way, that means they don’t have to answer to anyone except themselves.
Thirdly, to put this bluntly, the citizens of Panola County really have no recourse for what the Board and Chandler do. Now, as a taxpayer and I mean a substantial one at that, I truly feel, to put it nicely, violated! We must hold our county government officials responsible.
Here are a few suggestions: Write actual job descriptions along with the education requirements needed.
Post all job openings in the courthouse and in the local paper. For upper management positions in the county, such as waste manager, road managers and administrator, the supervisors should exercise more authority in the interviewing and the selection process.
As frightening as that might be, they are duly elected to supervise the county.
Hopefully, they have the collective intelligence to seek outside expertise when in doubt, and Chandler does not count as an expert in these matters. Sorry!
Finally, in some small way if we could ever break the ring of nepotism that infests Panola County government, we might have a chance of reviving ourselves from our comatose condition.
Michael Medlock