Richard Corson letter

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Writer reminds community that football is just a distraction

To the Editor:

I read with interest the article on page C1 of the March 7, 2008, edition of The Panolian, about funding an artificial surface for the South Panola Tigers as much as anyone, football is really a diversion. A wonderful diversion, but in reality, just a diversion.

The real game of life is played between our ears, not goalposts. Winning in the real game of life depends on how we think, read, write, and approach the problems that face us along the way. How well we do these things mostly comes from the way we were educated and the quality of education we received.

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As admirable as the generosity and intent of those advocating a new surface for the football field is, I must ask the question, “Wouldn’t the money be better spent raising our schools from level 3 to level 5?” The results would be far more valuable and last much longer.

Richard H Corson, M.D.