It wasn’t exactly The 12 Days of Christmas – but sometimes it sure as heck seemed like it.
Especially for one who is "set" in her ways and has mastered the art of contented solitude.
As I mentioned, our family was going to get together this past weekend to celebrate Christmas. It was the first time the annual event was at my home now that I live close enough to everyone to serve as a convenient rendezvous point.
With a brand, spanking new house I was looking forward to my family seeing it.
Needless to say, with three little girls there, my house was christened.
First, Rachel, 6, spilled a cup of chocolate milk.
Second, Cassie, 9, who was in a sleeping bag in the great room, threw up during the night.
Of course, Kate, the 4-year-old, was perfect. She takes after her great aunt I guess.
Not exactly! But you knew that.
And, my niece Cindy nearly broke a couple of toes when she banged the door facing trying to get the youngster to the bathroom.
Obviously, my next "visitor" will be the carpet cleaner.
Then there was the stopped up toilet. Luckily it didn’t overflow.
And, I almost forgot. My sister-in-law Eunice is a candidate for the "good hands" award. She caught a lamp just as it came flying off an end table.
And, there was a "lost Suburban keys" problem that involves much too much detail … so, I’ll spare you that.
… But, all in all, things went well. We enjoyed each other and had a good time.
My mother, who is in a nursing home in Marion, Ark., was able to spend the day with us and she tolerated everything quite well.
There was a slight problem when the phone would ring. We’d all just stare at one little table. That’ where four cell phones, a Global Positioning System gizmo that belongs to my nephew’s wife Angela and an alarming Palm Pilot were living momentarily.
So, you can bet as they drove out of sight, I gave them a big wave … and held on tightly to my car keys and cell phone!
Then it was time … for a long winter’s nap!